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Mahir Abdulrahman Algassim


  •  Bachelor's degree with honors in Systems Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
  • Executive Leaders Program from the IMD Institute


  •    Vice Minister of Human Resources and Social Development for Civil Service  Date 2021
  •   Deputy  of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for International Affairs   Date 2019
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Public Administration
  •  Member of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Government Resources Systems
  •  Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Institute of Public Administration
  •  Chairman of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee for National Center for Government Resources Systems
  •  Member of the Strategic Committee of the National Center for Government Resources Systems
  • Chairman of the Central Committee for Training and Scholarships for Civil Service Employees
  •  Held several Board of Directors Membership in public & privet sector
  •  Held several leadership positions in international companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and Advanced Electronics.



 Majid A BinbattalEng. Ahmed M. Al Sharqi