The second largest international organization after the United Nations, its membership includes fifty-seven countries spread over four continents. The organization represents the unifying voice of the...
International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)
The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), which was founded in 1895, is considered the largest international cooperative organization, and its membership currently includes cooperative organizatio...
Arab Labor Organization
One of the specialized organizations operating within the scope of the League of Arab States, the first specialized Arab organization concerned with labor and workers’ affairs at the national level....
Arab Organization for Administrative Development
One of the specialized organizations emanating from the League of Arab States, to contribute to achieving administrative development in the Arab countries.
G20 Employment Working Group (G20)
The group's mission is to address priority labor-related issues, and the group develops common guidelines, aimed at promoting employment, improving working conditions, and creating economic environmen...
International Labour Organization (ILO)
A United Nations agency whose mission is to promote social and economic justice by setting international labor standards.
habilitation young people for marriage
"Assist beneficiaries of the program that provides marriage loans from the Social Bank and the National Program for Marriage And provide training courses for them"
Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture
set a framework for cooperation between them to serve the common interests and objectives
social commission for tourism and national heritage
Increase jobs localization percentage
Provide Transport vehicles suitability to Community category to People with disabilities, orphans, elderly Through careem application
common cooperation in management and contribute charity sector to help needy families to get benefit from ataa
Tamkeen program
Between the Ministry, the Social Development Bank, HRDF and Sulaiman Al Rajhi Charity Foundation - supporting beneficiaries towards micro-economic activities