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Child Support

For the establishment of a comprehensive social protection system that includes all groups of society, there are many aspects of government support for children, as the amount of material support for children in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia varies according to the program or service provided. It is important to note that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia adopts a policy of comprehensive support for needy families with children, and provides financial support and basic services to improve their lives and well-being.

Accordingly, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia places children as a priority in its efforts for development, and strives to provide them with the necessary support and care. The Kingdom adopts a comprehensive policy to improve children's living and provide them with basic services, which helps them achieve their full potential and proper growth.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has paid great attention to supporting children and providing the appropriate environment for their proper growth and development, so that its efforts in this field are fruitful with several initiatives and programs, the most prominent of which are:

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