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Community Participation Policy

Community Participation Policy

Digital participation has gained great significance recently, as its mechanisms allow the citizens to select the proper mechanism and ensures that their opinions and views are informed to all officers in the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD), first and foremost the Minister.

Community participation includes many communication and interaction channels allow the views and perspectives of the e-portal’s visitors (citizens, governmental organizations, or businesses of various sectors) to transmit electronically to the e-portal administration or the relevant department in the HRSD. The Ministry ensures that all inputs are responded to in a timely manner while maintaining the principle of privacy and confidentiality throughout this process.

In line with HRSD’s belief in the importance of the constructive criticism and dialogue and benefiting from the experience of the experience of those specialized in labor sector, social development, civil service, and experience of those benefiting from its services and participating in renaissance, development and decision-making, HRSD is keen on exploiting the modern techniques to provide opportunities for all to communicate with HRSD, share their experience, proposals, solutions, thoughts and problems through various electronic means.

HRSD is keen on supervising and reviewing all participations before publication to ensure compliance with the applicable laws in this regard and upgrade the dialogue level to achieve the intended goals.

HRSD provides Your Voice Matters  as a convenient means for anyone who wants to communicate with the Ministry, in a manner that guarantees the complete freedom of everyone to communicate their opinions to officials. HRSD reserves the right not to publish or delete any participations that it deems contrary to its ​policies or laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, without being obliged to do so. In no event, shall HRSD, its employees or its representatives be held legally responsible for the consequences of the publication of comments or observations through its electronic means of participation.

HRSD provides several electronic contribution tools, such as comments, appraisals, direct contact, polls, questionnaire, complaints and suggestions. HRSD may use all or some of these tools in the process of electronic participation to decision making as it deems appropriate with respect to the introduced topic. Available means for participation are clarified in each introduced topic.

​HRSD​ is looking forward to introducing all topics that may help it undertake its role to serve the beneficiaries and request advice from experienced people and stakeholders. All citizens, residents and entities are invited to share their visions and experiences in which they think that the same serves the public interest through all electronic social media with the Ministry available on its electronic portal (comments, appraisals, direct contact, blogs polls, questionnaires).

The nature of the introduced topics depends on the HRSD’s need for advice, sharing experience and opinions. In addition, it depends on the topics’ relationship with the public and their direct effects on them. It also depends on the intended goals of introducing such subjects. Topics are available for everyone to participate and express an opinion, unless HRSD deems it necessary to identify a target group in the request for advice (such as SMEs, for example). At that time, HRSD will follow the available electronic means in targeting that group in requesting participation in decision-making.

 HRSD undertakes to periodically review all participations; however, at the same time, it is not obliged to review or respond to all participations. HRSD reserves the right not to publish or delete any participations that it deems contrary to its ​policies or laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, without being obliged to do so. In no event, shall HRSD, its employees or its representatives be held legally responsible for the consequences of the publication of comments or observations through its electronic means of participation.

Interaction and participation through the HRSD's community e-Participation channels shall entail implicit consent as to the Ministry's right to use the participation in the decision-making process and chartering of future policies. The Ministry pledges to publish and archive the results of e-Participation transactions, but this shall never constitute any absolute obligation on the Ministry's part.

Community e-Participation Supervisory Department:

Corporate Communication Department is the Community e-Participation Supervisory Department

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATIONالشروط والضوابط للمشاركة الاجتماعية