نسخة تجريبية

General objectives

Objectives of Social Security Agency:

  1. Participate in the comprehensive development programs in Saudi society.
  2. Provide financial and in-kind assistance to people with low incomes.
  3. Improve the residential environment of needy families.
  4. Transform the category of recipients of assistance into productive and self-reliant citizens through production programs.

Objectives of Social Development Agency:

  1. Encourage childhood care programs in social development committees, centers, and charitable associations. This is done by expanding the establishment of kindergartens, recreation centers and summer clubs for children.
  2. Prepare women training programs in cooperation with the Ministry of Education to prepare the girls - in the houses and institutions – for the practical life.
  3. Establish field social units of family and childhood, and other field units of the general directorate of after-care, and support them with social researchers.
  4. Encourage local communities to activate civil volunteer activity through the provision of financial, technical and administrative support to the institutions and charitable associations, and encourage establishing private and quality charitable associations.
  5. Continue to provide financial, technical and administrative support for the collaborative activity, by encouraging establishment of new cooperative associations, and raise the cooperative awareness among citizens.
  6. Improve the efficiency of Welfare and Social Development Agency  sectors, to fulfill its duties and responsibilities efficiently and effectively, through training and scholarships for workers of welfare and social development sector. Also, training workers of cooperative and private sectors in coordination with the concerned authorities, and benefit from the results of studies and social research conducted by universities and specialized centers, and adopt a plan to create an effective information base.
  7. Develop a long-term plan to encourage the research and social studies, and set priorities according to social developments .Also, the coordination with Saudi universities to conduct research and studies required by the changing nature of social conditions in the community.
  8. Develop social development activities to cover the growing needs of the community, by providing these services to development and social service centers in different fields  like mother and childhood, youth,  and various cultural, health, agricultural and social programs.
  9. Attention to awareness programs and social counseling by holding awareness campaigns, seminars and meetings in various fields of social affairs, and raise social awareness through visual, audio, and printed media, in coordination and cooperation with the various media with a focus on preventive education.

 Social counseling unit was established in Riyadh, to serve guided in the area of Agency support and services on the toll-free telephone: 8001245005

Objectives of Social Welfare and Family Agency:

  1. Provide Social care to individuals within the social welfare institutions, and work to help them to modify their behavior, and provide all the necessary potentials for that, and draw the plans and programs that help people to rely on themselves, and support guiding and social counseling programs to reduce the negative behaviors.
  2. Provide care for juveniles delinquents or potential juveniles delinquents, through development of training programs in coordination with the Ministry of Education and the general organization for technical education, and vocational training according to their interests and abilities.
  3. Increase attention to disabled, and make national programs for their rehabilitation and care, through the expansion of the comprehensive rehabilitation centers, and establishing special rehabilitation centers for people with dual disability (less than 15 years), and developing vocational rehabilitation programs, and coordination with the concerned authorities for the employment of disabled in occupations that fit with their disability and specialty.
  4. Consolidation of family cohesion, and pay more attention to programs and services of family and childhood care, through the care for rehabilitated people of social welfare institutions, in order to prevent their return to these institutions again.
  5. Strengthen social protection programs through the general directorate of social protection, and its committees in various regions in order to reduce the manifestations of domestic violence.
  6. Take care of released prisoners and drug addicts and psychiatric patients, and help them to adapt socially and vocationally in coordination with the concerned authorities.
  7. Provide social care to individuals and families in their natural environment, through encouraging and supporting foster families to care for orphans and the like, as well as programs to support disabled residents living with their families financially and technically and support charitable associations in doing their duties.



About Ministryمكافحة التسول