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Requirements for Work Environment for Security Guards Sector

Publication date: 20 May 2024 - 12 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445
First: Departments of Security Guards Work Environment
Indoor EnvironmentMeans  the work environment inside malls and the equivalent, including banks, etc.
Outdoor EnvironmentMeans the outdoor roles and duties of a security guard who is exposed to different climatic conditions.
Remote Areas EnvironmentMeans under-construction establishments, far from urbanization.



1- A guard shall not work more than 5 consecutive working hours without intervals for a break, meals and prayers, not less than half an hour during the total working hours. However, a replacement for such guard shall be provided at break.
2- An employer shall provide security guards with uniforms.
3-The provisions of Procedural Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health For preventing the Effects of Exposure to Direct Sun and Heat Stress shall be complied with.

About Procedure

business sector
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