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The Regulatory Controls for Civil Social Research and Studies Centers

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444

General  Terms:

  1. Except for the centers owned by national entities  of a legal personality , it is conditioned that  the center’s owner should  perform the general supervision on the center by himself/herself.
  2. The center should abide by the Islamic rules and regulations, enforced laws , observed traditions and customs in addition to considering  the scientific methods regarding the researches, and social surveys preparations and also in holding the training or  rehabilitative courses , scientific  symposiums , seminars and workshops.
  3. The center should be responsible for any incorrect information written in a research a study or consultancy it provides. It is also responsible for any violation for the rules and regulations , the instructions  and the statistics issued by the concerned entity.
  4. When the center intends holding a scientific symposium,  seminar  or a workshop , it must obtain an official approval  from the agency.

For the complete by-law provision perusal please upload the attached file.

you can view the Organizational Regulations of the Research and Social studies National Centers in Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers by clicking here

About Procedure

Social Development Sector
Co-Operative Societies System