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Organizing the National Center for Studies & Social Research

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444

This center aims to conducting the social researches and studies on the issues, phenomenon and problems in K.S.A in addition to suggesting the relevant recommendations and solutions. The center’s duties and concerns are as the following :

Conducting the theoretical and field social researches and studies.

  1. Observing the social issues, phenomenon and problems that distract the Saudi community’s attention, discussing those problems and finding solutions to them.
  2. Conducting the correcting researches to find out the defect  in the various social programs.
  3. Publishing the scientific studies and researches, the perfect books and manuscripts.
  4. Publication of a perfect scientific magazine concerns with publishing in many fields of social sciences.
  5. Development of the scientific research methods in a way that assists the researchers and workers in the social fields.
  6. Providing the scientific and technical consultative services for the public and private social institutions in order to improve and upgrade their services.
  7. Contribution in conducting the scientific or academic symposiums, workshops for the specialists and the people concerned with social sciences in the Saudi, Gulf and Arabic communities.
  8. Creating central data base and information for the studies and social researches to be used by the specialists and researchers in the social fields.
  9. Cooperation with the studies and research centers which are concerned with social affairs.
  10. Providing training for the  social field workers whether  in the ministry of social affairs  or other outside  agencies.

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you can view the Organizing the National Center for Studies & Social Research  in Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers by clicking here

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Organization of the Social Welfare FundLaw of Protection from Abuse