Rehabilitation of work force and providing job opportunities in the third sector
Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
The MLSD aims (as a part of its mission) to provide job opportunities in the non-profit sector to meet the requirements of the sector regarding the specialized competencies in addition to professional develoment and capacity -building of the leaders and the grossroot sector's laborers in order to upgrade the levels of the competency, professionalism and efficiency in managing the organizations affiliated to the grossroot sector through a group of programs which enable those organization to carry outsuccessful developmental programs and playing agreat role in the social development in K.S.A and it includes many key aspects:
- Rehabilitation program of the Non-profit sector workers.
- Rehabilitation program of the executive directors in the Non-profit sector.
- An inclusive determination and categorization of the Non-profit sector's jobs by utilizing the international successful experiences and experiments and through coordination and cooperation with the MLSD.
- Creation of the job standards for the Non-profit workers such as the academic & professional qualifications in a manner that conforms with international standards(professionalization). Creating the rehabilitative and educational institutions to create training , rehabilitative educational programs for the Non-profit sector workers in a way that they should be based on international standards.
- This intiative also integrates with the training programs of the HRDF to empower the volunteers.
- Laying down the mechanisms required for determining a package of incentives or motivations and programs that could plarize the human resources to work for the Non-profit sector, developing it and maintain it and it includes:
- The specialized competencies (such as early retirement , counting the additional work in the retirement , loaning and deputization or outposting and others).
- Non-profit sector workers (such as :medical insurance, flight tickets discounts , housing allowance and others).
- Youth graduated from the universities,colleges who are registered in Hafiz program(such as Summer training , on-the job training andBridging year, service learning).