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Under the leadership of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for the Gulf Skills Team, the Ministry held a workshop for the initiative to monitor and anticipate skills for labor markets in the Gulf Arab countries

Publication date: 28 January 2025 - 28 Rajab 1446
افتتح سعادة وكيل الوزارة للمهارات والتدريب الدكتور أحمد الزهراني أعمال الورشة مشيدا بجهود المشاركين مستعرضا ابرز جهود الوزارة في ملف المهارات بسوق العمل

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, represented by the Skills and Training Agency, held a workshop for the initiative to monitor and anticipate future skills in the labor markets of the Gulf Arab countries. The workshop started this morning, 15 January 2025, in Riyadh and will last for two days with active participation from the International Labor Organization. 

The Deputy Minister for Skills and Training, Dr. Ahmed Al-Zahrani, opened the workshop, praising the efforts of the participants and highlighting the Ministry's key efforts in the skills file in the labor market. The workshop was held within the framework of the KSA presidency of the Gulf Skills Team to implement initiatives to develop the skills of the workforce in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries as part of the strategic objectives of the Labor Ministers' Committee (2024-2029).

The workshop aims to learn and benefit from the experiences of the Gulf Arab countries regarding skills anticipation systems, and to prepare a report on the practices of the Gulf countries and leading international experiences in monitoring and anticipating the skills required in the labor market and future skills expectations.

حيث جاء عقد الورشة ضمن إطار رئاسة المملكة لفريق المهارات الخليجي لتنفيذ مبادرات تنمية مهارات القوى العاملة لدول مجلس الخليج العربية ضمن مستهدفات استراتيجية لجنة وزراء العمل


تهدف الورشة الى الاطلاع والاستفادة من تجارب دول الخليج العربية حول أنظمة استشراف المهارات، واعداد تقرير لممارسات دول الخليج والتجارب الدولية الرائدة في رصد واستشراف المهارات المطلوبة في سوق العمل والتوقعات المستقبلية للمهارات


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